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Matthew 25: 31 - 46


The Ministry Without Walls c/o

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John 13:34  A new commandment I give unto you, that    

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On Good Friday April 3rd, 2015.  Louie (a truck driver) at Costco in Hayward CA was getting off of work and seen what the ministry was doing for the poor, hungry and less fortunate.  Louie told Sparkle to wait right there, that it looks like you have room in your car for a donation.  So Louie went back into the store and came out with a basket full of grocery's that sent my heart crying of joy and feeling Louie's love of giving and wanting to help.  Thank you Louie for giving to us, with your blessing we have already made a difference.  All glory be to God the Father, and Lord bless Louie and his family, we thank them for their LOVE of giving and donating.  Quote: "I will never forget that day, I had a Oprah moment.  I know what it must feel like now".

About Project Feed The Hungry

Good Gospel News about Louie Vargus

Was created to bring the gospel to the poor, hungry, less fortunate, highways, byways, hospitals shelters and more through love, technology and our mission to have this gospel preached to the whole world.  Project Feed The Hungry has fed over 2,800 meals as of 2014.  In November 2014, we were blessed to receive donations from a sponsor who has enabled us to feed and provide to more people.  Our mission is to also help you live a better life through Christ Jesus and find help through available resources to help you such as 211 in CA, which is a free phone call to receive important information, regarding available shelters, food, and emergency help and needs. .

All donations or offerings will be used for the further building of The Ministry Without Walls c/o Project Feed The Hungry.  Thank you for your help!

love one another.    

you love one another as I have loved you that you also